Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Home Organization---How to Organize your brush. ( Ideal vs. Reality)

I saw this really cool idea to store make-up brushes on youtube.  I was so eager to try. My attempted to recreate the look FAILED.

I bought this glass jar from Home Goods and decorated it with ribbon and flower pin to make it more fun and creative.

Then I filled the jar with glass beads to help make-up brushes stand up and stay in place. I love the lid, it was such a nice way to keep the brushes easy to find and dust free.

Unfortunately, it didn't work out.  The glass jar was not tall enough.  Once you put the lid on, the brushes were pushed against the glass.

 I guess I will stick with my original system, glass container without lid filled with clear beads to keep my brushes organized.

If you could find a glass jar taller than this and if you don't mind having a large jar sitting on your bathroom countertop,  you should give it a try.

Home Organization---Bathroom Closet

Recently, I organized the bathroom closet.  Unfortunately I accidentally deleted the before picture.  Otherwise it would be really cool to show a "before and after" comparison.

Lately I am really into organization projects.  Mine next one will be the home office.  Stay tuned for that.

Since I don't have the "before" picture, let me show you the "after".

I bought these containers mainly from Dollar Tree and Target.  I probably spent a total of $6 (excluding the white box from Ikea, and the 3 drawer storage box from Walmart which I bought long time ago).

On the top shelf: I have feminie care products, Q-tips and etc.

Second shelf (from the top): This is where I store my makeups.  I have 3 heart-shaped glass containers, one for eye shadows, one for contact lens, and one for random stuff. 

The container in the middle is used to store mascara, eyeliner pencil, and brow pencil.

Third shelf (from the top):  This is where I store body and hair products and I use the 3 drawers storage bin to store hair accessories. 

Because I don't have a lot of body and hair products, I just piled them all into one storage bin.  If you have a lot, you could have one for each and label them accordingly. 

On the bottom shelf: The large white box is used to store pajamas, and the yellow bin is used to store hair dryer and curler.

So far I love this storing system.  If you want to, you could also label each bin so you know exactly what is inside. I will continue to use this system.  If I ever change things around, I will post the update. 

After all, organizing is about trial and error.  You want to find the most efficient and comfortable system that suits your lifestyle.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

New Camera---Canon S100

Finally my new camera has arrived.  My first impression upon receiving it was, "what the heck?" The color of the body of the camera is not what is shown on the website. On the amazon website, it looks metallic silver (that is why I picked this color rather than black).  The actual camera has this grayish silver color, not a bit looks like what is shown online.  Lesson learned---definitely should check it out in store in person.

Besides of the color of the camera, I am pretty happy with the features it comes with and the quality of photos it produces, especially under low light conditions.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The drama I am currently watching.

I just realized I haven't updated my blog for a while. I think I ought to do that now, so friends who I haven't talked to for while, know that I am still alive and what I have been up to.

The Japanese drama I am currently watching is called "Saiko no Jinsei no Owarikata: Ending Planner."  

 Yamashita Tomohisa plays the head of a funeral service shop that deals with bodies brought in by the police.  He inherited the family business after the sudden death of his father.  At first, he was hesitant to do so because he didn't want to become a mortician. Then he learned about the lives of these deceased people and started to realize the true meaning of life.  And he also brought together a once broken family and won the heart of a young, beautiful detective Yuki Sakamaki. (Personally I don't think Nana Eikura is that pretty but her smile is capable of melting your heart). Each episode is an independent story.  (that is why I like J-Drama, short but right to the point)

This is such a heart-breaking yet heart-warming drama.  It makes you wonder what is the purpose of your life.


Yamashita Tomohisa

Nana Eikura

Thursday, June 9, 2011



先来谈谈我最初喜欢过的那个男人吧。他有着天使的面孔,和魔鬼的身材。 (好吧,其实, 男人只要瘦点,高点,都是魔鬼身材了。)当初,就是这张照片,立马俘获了我的心。


如果把Final Fantasy VIII 拍成电视的话,他这个造型就是我心里Squall 的不二人选。不过少了点霸气,多了点忧郁。 好吧,那就拍成温情版FF 8.  哈哈。。。。





说实话,此男也就长得好看,演戏,唱歌也就一般般吧。不过,现在这个社会,长得好看,可占大便宜了。 他的歌我最喜欢的有2首,都是很早期,并且都是他自己作曲的。

Love Song & 指轮




至于求婚大作战嘛,真的是一部很让人无语的电视。PP自己也说过,如果,真的是他的话,第一集就会是最后一集了,因为他会直接跟女主告白,并且把她带走。如果你母性泛滥,而且还能忍受温吞水性格的楠竹的话,此剧还是可以看看的。毕竟是俊男美女的搭配, 几个配角也很出色。看完,会让你羡慕他们之间的友谊。不过此剧的中心思想, 和想要带给观众的message 很有深意,那就是:


这失去不光指人,也指物和事,甚至于自己本身。Past is past, future is unpredictable, 只有现在是能把握的。

关于PP, 就到此为止。下次再讲,我喜欢的另外一个男人。


Tuesday, June 7, 2011






对了我开了一个微博呢,不过是为了圆子开的,因为如果不注册,她的微博我看不到。所以地址就不给了,因为我想我是不会在那里写什么的。我果然是话涝啊,微博是不适合我的。只够写那么几句,那够我说呢。  嘻嘻。。。
